Advantages of Custom Silicone Dolls

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Advantages of Custom Silicone Dolls

If you're looking for a great way to give your child the gift of a custom silicone doll, you've come to the right place. Here you will find information on creating your own silicone dolls, as well as information on sourcing quality silicone material. There are many advantages to custom silicone dolls. Read on for more information! We'll walk you through the process step-by-step. Once you've found the perfect silicone material, you can begin the process of designing your very own silicone baby.

Before you begin the process, you must first decide what type of doll you want. Reborning is a process that requires 60 to 100 hours of handiwork. This process produces an exceptionally lifelike skin, including the facial features, nose, and mouth. The hair is micro-rooted one strand at a time, and high-quality weighting materials are distributed throughout the doll's body to make it feel like a newborn.

Another benefit of custom silicone dolls is that they are incredibly easy to paint. While you will need to be patient, you can get a gorgeous baby without worrying about the process being difficult. You'll be able to customize the color and features of your custom silicone doll, and make it as unique as you would like. The only thing that will slow you down is the process of painting the silicone mold. However, it is definitely worth it in the end.

Tags:modern real dolls | bbw silicone doll
